Know The Signs. It Could Save Someone’s Life

How do you know when to reach out and ask someone if they’re okay? That uncertainty – and fear – stops a lot of people from talking meaningfully with people around them that they care about. Yet asking those 3 simple words – R U OK? – creates a connection that researchers know can make the difference between someone choosing to live rather than ending their life.

R U OK? is a suicide prevention program that was created in Australia to help people develop the confidence and skills to recognize when to reach out to family and friends, co-workers, peers and fellow students they care about who may be struggling.

If someone seems confused or irrational, moody, overly concerned about the future or says they’re a burden or feel trapped or in pain, this could be a sign that they are contemplating suicide.

If you notice someone has become withdrawn, lost interest in the things they used to love, are unable to concentrate, behave recklessly or are less interested in their appearance and hygiene, they may be hurting inside.

Or if you know someone is going through some big changes in their lives – a break-up, major health issues, financial pressures, stress at work or the loss of someone they were close to – those are all signs that someone may be having trouble coping.

If you notice a change, no matter how small, trust your gut and ask R U OK? It could save someone’s life.

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